Teachers can add another teacher or TA* to their course to assist in editing and grading. Teachers can also add someone as a guest, which grants limited access to a course to view content. EC faculty cannot add students, so speak with the Registrar's office if a student is missing from your roster. Auditing students should also be added through the Registrar's office. After considering the above, do the following:
Go to the participants section of your course.
Click enrol users. Search for the user by name.
Use the drop-down menu to click the correct role: (Teacher Non-Evaluated, TA, Guest, etc.)
Click enrol users.
*Any TA should receive FERPA training before being added to a course. Talk to the Registrar's office about FERPA training needed.
Teachers can remove TAs and guests, but removing students requires and steps.
The group function will allow you to set up groups and/or group assignments. To create groups, do the following:
It is possible to grant extensions on specific assignments and to overall course access. After considering the extension you need, do the following:
Granting Extensions on Specific Assignments
To grant an extension on a specific assignment, activity, or quiz, you have to perform a user override. This is useful if a student was sick or if they have an accommodation that allows for extra time. To perform the override, do the following:
Granting Extensions to Course Access
Students are unable to access their Moodle courses after the semester ends. You will first need to extend activity access, and then contact helpdesk@earlham.edu to request that a student has access to their course. Be sure to include the name of the course, the name of the student, and the last day they will need access.
Earlham College • 801 National Road West • Richmond, Indiana 47374-4095