Contains over 140,000 ebooks that you can read online or download. Titles also appear in the Library Catalog, but going direct through this link will let you search the full-text of all the books and browse every title. (Formerly ebrary.)
Below some example articles in different fields related to Drone (UAV) technology
FAA Unmanned Aircraft System: https://www.faa.gov/uas/
Industry/Company Drones (NYIT): http://libguides.nyit.edu/c.php?g=139888&p=918092
FBI Drone Libguide: http://fbilibrary.libguides.com/c.php?g=755033
Broward College Libguides: http://libguides.broward.edu/c.php?g=853844
Listed below are some search terms/threads that users may find useful when searching online resources.
(This work has been created by Brad Reel Librarian in Kent Library)
Drones |
Unmanned Aircraft Systems |
Drones AND Design |
Unmanned Aircraft Systems AND Design |
Drones AND Ground Testing |
Unmanned Aircraft Systems AND Ground Testing |
Drones AND In-Flight Testing |
Unmanned Aircraft Systems AND In-Flight Testing |
Drones AND Payload |
Unmanned Aircraft Systems AND Payload |
Drones AND Communication |
Unmanned Aircraft Systems AND Communication |
Drones AND Civilian |
Unmanned Aircraft Systems AND Civilian |
Drones AND Military |
Unmanned Aircraft Systems AND Military |
Drones AND Commercial |
Unmanned Aircraft Systems AND Commercial |
Drones AND Future |
Unmanned Aircraft Systems AND Future |
Drones AND Design AND Reliability |
Unmanned Aircraft Systems AND Design AND Reliability |
Drones AND Regulatory Standards |
Unmanned Aircraft Systems AND Regulatory Standards |
Earlham College • 801 National Road West • Richmond, Indiana 47374-4095