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Faculty Support


The library is here to help! Let us know how we can support your teaching & research.


 Suggest a new book, film, or journal: The library collection is built           around the curriculum, so let us know what we should add.


Textbook Affordability & OER: We can help you identify OER, library ebooks, and other strategies to keep Earlham accessible to all students.


Copyright & Fair Use: Understand your role, and ask questions about copyright and fair use.


Streaming Films: Explore our existing streaming collections, or work with us to acquire new titles.


Reserves: Ask the Libraries to put a copy of your textbook on Reserve for loan at the library. Customize your loan period to 2 hours, 4 hours, 6 hours, 1 day, 3 days, or 7 days.


Instructional Technology: Get help using Moodle (LMS), Qualtrics (Survey creation tool), Kaltura (Video creation tool), or designing tech-based projects for students.


Instructional Design: Get help designing courses and assignments or revising your syllabi by working with our Instructional Designer, Shannon Barnes


Have questions, or not sure where to start? Talk to your Liaison Librarian about options.

Earlham College • 801 National Road West • Richmond, Indiana 47374-4095