The Earlham Libraries are located in Lilly Library.
From Route 40, look for the Main Entrance to the College. Turn South (left, if you are coming from the direction of Dayton) at the Main Entrance. At the T, turn right. The Carpenter Lot is on your left. Lilly Library is the building directly South of the lot. Follow the path from the lot to its front entrance. There are five wheelchair accessible parking spaces and a ramp providing access to the library entrance.
Lilly Library is building H on the campus map.
Lilly Library
Monday – Thursday 8am – 10pm
Friday 8am – 5pm
Saturday 12pm – 4pm
Sunday 12pm –10pm
Friends Collection and College Archives
Detailed Archives Hours
Earlham College • 801 National Road West • Richmond, Indiana 47374-4095