Catalog of books, media, and other materials available in the Earlham Libraries. Also searches libraries worldwide through WorldCat.
Scholarly journals, magazines, and newspapers in almost every subject area. A great starting point for any topic.
News sources from Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio, and Wisconsin.
Newspaper articles from African American publications spanning a wide range of American history.
British journals and magazines published from 1680-1940.
Full-text page images of the world's first completely-illustrated newspaper.
Online access to high quality digital images of Indiana's historic newspapers.
The academic alternative to Wikipedia! Pulls articles from a wide range of encyclopedias and dictionaries written by subject experts.
Full text of reference books, magazines, journals, and primary source documents in U.S. and world history.
The academic alternative to Wikipedia! Pulls articles from a wide range of encyclopedias and dictionaries written by subject experts.
Brief biographical information about a number of well-known people.
Books and articles in life, health, humanities, social sciences, and physical sciences.
Primary source documents covering the history of the slave trade, 1600s-1800s.
The academic alternative to Wikipedia! Pulls articles from a wide range of encyclopedias and dictionaries written by subject experts.
Online version of a 10-volume encyclopedia. Provides sociocultural information about each 20th century decade, 1900-1990s.
Brief biographical information about a number of well-known people.
Books and articles in life, health, humanities, social sciences, and physical sciences.
Articles from Oxford University Press books (e.g. Africana, African American National Biography), as well as primary source images, documents, and maps.
Primary source documents covering the history of the slave trade, 1600s-1800s.
Historical reference series providing information on daily life for different groups of Americans across time, differentiated by class, gender, race, and more.
Brief biographical information about a number of well-known people.
Journal articles and magazines in the humanities and social sciences. Coverage ends at 2000.
American magazines that began publishing between 1740-1900. Coverage extends to the 1940s at the latest.
American magazines and newspapers published between 1684-1912.
British journals and magazines published from 1680-1940.
News sources from Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio, and Wisconsin.
Newspaper articles from African American publications spanning a wide range of American history.
British journals and magazines published from 1680-1940.
Full-text page images of the world's first completely-illustrated newspaper.
Online access to high quality digital images of Indiana's historic newspapers.
Primary source documents covering the history of the slave trade, 1600s-1800s.
Legal materials on slavery in the U.S. & the English-speaking world.
Primary source documents providing demographic information on Americans of Japanese descent who were forcibly interned at various relocation camps during World War II.
Primary source documents from the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library that relate to the forcible interment of Japanese Americans during WWII.
Digital collection of Japanese relocation camp newspapers recording the concerns and the day-to-day life of interned Japanese-Americans during World War II.
Online access to high quality digital images of Indiana's historic newspapers.
Digitized primary source documents relating to Indiana history.
Primary sources for the historical study of sex, sexuality, and gender. Includes magazines, newspapers, pamphlets, and papers documenting United States and International perspectives on LGBTQ history, activism, and culture, primarily since 1940.
Primary sources focusing on women's history and the feminist movements of the 19th and 20th centuries.
Primary sources from far-right and far-left political groups in the U.S., Europe, & Australia in the 20th century. Note: the collection includes text and images that may be considered offensive.
Earlham College • 801 National Road West • Richmond, Indiana 47374-4095