The Friends Collection and Earlham College Archives has a ScanPro 3000 Microfilm reader. It can print, e-mail, save to PDF, save images for papers, and so much more. If you have never used a microfilm reader before or are just unfamiliar with the ScanPro 3000, a member of the Archives' staff would be happy to assist you.
MR 4: Protectionist (New Garden), 1841
MR 13: Indiana Yearly Meeting Minutes: Indian Concerns and Anti-Slavery, 1823-1857
MR 16: Monthly Meeting Records (Anti-Slavery), 1797-1857
MR 100: North Carolina Quaker and Slavery
MR 345: Free Labor Advocate, and Antislavery Chronicle, 1841-1848
MR 474: The Non-Slaveholder
Earlham College • 801 National Road West • Richmond, Indiana 47374-4095