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Community Documents FAQs: Home

General Information

Jenny Freed is your contact person for Community Documents. She can help you upload documents, change your permissions, or help you with any other Community Documents related issues.


Please follow the uploading instructions on this site whenever you are posting for your committee or group. The key points to remember are that minutes should be posted as PDFs and you need to follow the naming conventions outlined in the link provided (ex. Date-Function-Committee-Title). We appreciate your help with this.


If your group has confidential materials, please give a copy to the College Archive (basement Lilly) or e-mail or phone Jenny Freed to ask for help uploading the file to a secure location. If the file needs to be restricted for some reason, please provide information on the file’s content so we can take appropriate steps to protect the document(s).

What are the maintenance requirements each up-loader must assume?

1. Upload all documents as PDFs in as timely a manner as possible.

2. Use care with naming and posting documents to insure accuracy.

3. Alert Jenny Freed when you are no longer responsible for posting documents.

Jenny Freed

Profile Photo
Jenny Freed
Director of Special Collections and Archives
801 National Road W.
Richmond, IN 47374

Earlham College • 801 National Road West • Richmond, Indiana 47374-4095