Career Summary
I am the Library Director and Coordinator of Information Services at Earlham College, Richmond Indiana. My professional interests are college librarianship and specifically bibliographic instruction/information literacy, organizational effectiveness and the use of electronic information resources in undergraduate education. My resume is available online.
I returned to Earlham College in July, 1994, where I was Science Librarian from 1965 until 1979. I spent the 1979-80 academic year as Acting Director of the Library/Learning Center at the University of Wisconsin, Parkside. From 1980 through 1994 I was College Librarian at Hutchins Library Berea College, Berea, KY.
Please direct any inquiries to Tom.
When Tom was Science Librarian, Science Citation Index was in print and very complicated to use. Now with online Web of Science, you just click away!
Kirk, Thomas G, Jr. "A Comparison of Two Methods of Library Instruction for Students in Introductory Biology." College & Research Libraries 32 (1971): 465-474.
Earlham College • 801 National Road West • Richmond, Indiana 47374-4095