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WeVideo Basics

WeVideo Basics - Powerful, Easy Online Video Editing

1. Account Basics

  • Create a free account at You can use your Facebook credentials, your Google credentials, or your Earlham account..
  • After you've created a free account, you can upgrade to an Earlham account with special features.
    • You'll be given an access code by your faculty member OR request a code from a librarian.
    • Click apply code on your account page to obtain the Earlham license.
  • If you plan to create a photo story and you want to use photos from the web, be sure to obtain high-resolution images with the "advanced search" image size search setting in Google Images. Wikimedia Commons and other image repositories have similar ways to limit your search to high-resolution assets.

2. Editing Basics: Short Online How-To Videos

3. All Finished?

  • Publish and share your video.


Recording Audio - Location and Conditions Matter!

Bad audio can kill your project. Note the difference between these recordings. Which sounds best to you? Which is distracting?

Consider checking out a microphone or other audio recording device from the library's circulation desk. We have a full list of available AV equipment here. 

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Earlham College • 801 National Road West • Richmond, Indiana 47374-4095